The Purpose
Creating pathways for people with disabilities to collaborate with their communities in advocating for and achieving positive local change.
1 - Changing systems which build individual and collective capacity to advocate for or against policy and other government initiatives.
2 - Practical strategies that deliver change that is both realistic and effective, more than just talking about the issues.
3 - Building local capacity, knowledge, and skills that empowers and liberates communities from traditional ineffective processes and actions.
4 - Supporting people to navigate systems and services in communities.
5 - Advocating for the community and influencing decision makers through active collaboration and inclusion.
The Guiding Principles
1 - Purposeful – Have clear goals and objectives to strive towards.
2 - Connected – Strive to maintain a diversity of experience, knowledge and skills that allow access to and relationships with distinct groups, systems, and structures.
3 - Proactive – Are action oriented and actively seek out practical and realistic solutions to improve communities for people living with disabilities.
4 - Inclusive – Made up of everyone, everyone gets a say, and everyone has a voice.
5 - Accessible – Recognise and actively advocate for information and spaces to meet the needs of all people.